The Grand Oaks Resort has established important RV Park policies to ensure the comfort of all of guests and to comply with regulations:
- Check-in at our RV Park is at 12 Noon, Monday – Saturday, and after 5 p.m. on Sunday.
- Check out is at 11 a.m.
- Quiet hours are 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
- Maximum stay on the Resort is 90 days.
- All children under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
- No Tents or Pop-Ups allowed. All units must have self-contained bathrooms.
- Enclosed car trailers, Boat trailers and Equine trailers that are connected to your coach and can fit on your site are permitted
- Mats must be a breathable type and restricted to 3’x 4’ or a total of 12 sq. ft.
- Sewer collars are required by the State for all units.
- Operators of all motorized (gas or electric) vehicles must have a valid driver’s license.
- Units left unattended for extended periods of time must not be covered or otherwise modified on the exterior (i.e. no tarps, roof covers).
- Please observe the 10 mph speed limit on the Resort. Drive on roads only.
- All horses entering the property must have a current Coggins test.
- For your safety, please do not feed horses that are not your own.
- All pets must be on a leash at all times.
- Excessive noise by pets is not tolerated.
- Guest may use the dumpster for garbage or leave at the end of site for 10:00 am pick-up each day.
- Please do not leave garbage outside overnight. Garbage must be in plastic bags.
- Units are allowed to be washed on your site only.
- No outside clotheslines or drying racks are permitted.
- No open campfires/fireworks are permitted at any time
- No fire pits or open flames permitted at any time
- The Resort reserves the right to deny services to any guest.
- The Resort reserves the right to change any policy without notice.
- The Resort assumes no liability for personal injury, theft, fire damage to a car, RV or pets.
- The Resort reserves the right to deny usage of any vehicle it deems unsafe, excessively noisy or aesthetically conflicting to the Resort’s standards.
- Vandalism to any Resort properties will be dealt with on an individual incident basis. The offender may incur financial responsibility for damage to the Resort.
- Fishing is allowed in the designated areas only. All fishing is “catch and release”.
- Our RV Park was designed to support The Grand Oaks equine events therefore any/or all vacancies must be pre-approved for availability.