Cast yourself into the fun of fly fishing at The Grand Oaks Resort! The natural beauty and relaxed ambiance of our oak-shaded property flow naturally into exceptional fly fishing.
Fly fishing on our scenic property is an exclusive benefit for our resort guests, and all fishing at The Grand Oaks is strictly catch-and-release only.
Q. Do I need a special rod?
A. Yes. Fly rods are different from other rods and can vary depending on what type of fish you are trying to catch.
Q. What kind of reel do I need?
A. You need a reel that allows the line to strip off the reel and wrap around your fingers with your passive hand while casting with the rod with your dominant hand. The manipulation of the line comes in small increments, close to the reel, in a backward and forward motion.
Q. What kind of Fly do I use?
A. The rule of thumb for your Fly is ‘Match the Hatch’. That means you want your Fly to emulate the insects that are most abundant at your fishing spot and what insects are most abundant depending on what time of the year it is.
Q. Can I keep and eat the fish I catch in the Grand Oaks Resort ponds?
A. No. We are a ‘catch and release’ fishing spot. We want to ensure the longevity of our fishing spots, so many more Fly Fishing enthusiasts, pros, and beginners have a relaxing and fun spot to fish, in the years to come.
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